Month: August 2005

  • Just
    shut the fuck up! Get the hell outta my face and outta my head! I'm
    sick and fucking tired of hearing your seducing voice creeping into my
    ears over and over again and wearing out my brain 'til it hurts!
    Telling me to do things I don't want to do, showing me things that I
    definitely don't need to see, making me more fucked up than before.
    Can't you just be normal and nice like everybody else and quit
    bothering others who want things finally to be peaceful and
    Why did you go? Why did you come back? Why are you here in the first place?
    Why me??
    Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Man! What a way to feel on a Friday....
    Excited, angry, thrilled, happy, nausea, regret, paranoid and curious
    at the same time.
    All got mixed up in the most fucking twisted way.
    Couldn't they take turns and torcher me one day at a time?
    And here comes another one!!!!!
    What to do if you're suddenly feeling blue?

    What a shitty, shitty, fucked up mood to live through a Friday...

  • Yeah... Cynicism is good.....but only if you can handle one yourself.

  • ticktockticktockticktocktick...

    Die Zeit wird immer näher. Es wird bald Zeit sein. In ein paar Tagen werde
    ich rausfinden. Ob es hier ist oder...nicht. Was komisch fühlt sich
    nicht mehr so spannend wie früher. Nicht daß ich es nicht mehr mochte. Habe die
    ganze Monat versucht um Geduld zu haben, nicht so viel Gedanken an ihm machen.

    Schwierig, ja. Habe noch immer viele Fotos von internet runtergeladet. Schöne,
    süße, bunte Fotos. Mit Giraffen und Elefanten. Ein gelbes Entchen war auch
    dabei. So süß, so lieb.... Die Wände werden eine Kombination von weiss, sanft
    gelb oder grün sein. Ich kann mich schon vorstellen wenn... Ach, reiss dich zusammen!

    Okay..okay! Aber es geht ja schon besser, oder? Hoffentlich wird alles gut
    sein. Wenn’s ja... Dann muß ich halt einen anderen Weg finden.... Hoffentlich
    wird’s diesen Monat klappen. Ich drücke fest die Daumen.... Bete für mich,

  • New look, new feel, new husband

    On Wednesday was finish. After 4 almost sleepless nights he
    managed to survive the process and now I'm sleeping with a new man... Again!

    From this college cutie   

    to this hip dude   
    then this cool hunk...   

    and finally to.... THIS!!!


    So, what's next, honey?

  • No pain, no gain

    It's THAT even true??????????????????? If it is, then what would I
    possibly gain today??? Woke up this morning with quite a headache, got
    mosquito bite on my lips and the ultimate thing would be.....


    Instantly, and I DO
    MEAN INSTANTLY I cried. My heart raced and pounded and pounded and I
    held my toe. And when I looked at it, it already bleeds and on the
    surface of the nails they're white scratches. Maybe they're from the
    shoe sole. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! Now
    it's swollen, feels numb and dried blood coming out from the nails
    So can anybody tell me WHAT WOULD I GAIN TODAY???????????????? ANYBODY??

  • It depends on how you look at things...

    My good friend shared his latest feeling & fling to me the other
    night. Apparently he was kinda in love. I was pretty excited to hear
    it. Not sure why. Maybe becoz I never thought I would witness the day
    he's in love
    & I think the girl likes him too.
    That afraid-of-commitment freak! Anyway, he told me he liked this girl
    verrrrrrrrrrry much but afraid to admit it. To her & to himself for
    that matter. It's sooooooooooo cute!
    It's like he's fighting so hard with his own feelings. Of course then I
    asked why did he has to freak out just becoz he's in love. And then
    he said "I don't want to hurt her & I'm so afraid I'm going to.
    What if one day I'm back to my unstable mind?"
    Ah...the neverending, unanswered "What if"
    question.... I think even if this world comes to an end, there'll be no
    answer for that particular question. Then he said "I don't want
    to make her sad." Sweet guy, eh? Yeah, I know And like always, I told him what I thought about it, based on my experience:

    The saddest experience of my life was probably the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.

    Why? Becoz at least I was a part of something beautiful. Something that
    have left such a deep mark in my heart must've been something really
    meaningful to me once. If I never felt sad about it, I would've also
    never experience that most thrilling phase in the first place.
    I never regret it, instead I always cherish it in my deepest heart. So I said, just give both of you a chance. If this girl likes you as much as you do, whatever happens, you'll probably make her happy in the end.

  • 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

    Click this.. It's a good thing to read. Really.

  • **Married people only**

    Living together doesn't include either coz it's totally different than
    actually being married. Trust me! question would be: do
    you become another person after you got married? Are there things you
    used to do & don't do anymore after you tied the knot?
    It could start with the simple things like doing someone else's laundry or washing dishes for 2 (did I say "simple" )
    or closing the closet's door or turning off the bathroom light becoz
    those kind of things seem to be constantly slipping out of your
    spouse's minds (read: HUSBANDS!!! ).

    Ooooooooooor......stop going clubbing every friday nights, gossiping
    with your girl friends over many cups of coffee & cheesecakes,
    staying up late & peacefully watching chicks movies, last but not
    least: restraining yourself from having flirtatious phone calls, SMS
    & e-mails with....not your husband!

    What tickles me is this, do
    you willingly do all those things for the sake of your love or is it
    because you expect your spouse to do the same thing to you?
    Becoz if it's love, then I have no further comments. But if it's becoz you have certain expectations then...I don't know...

    Tell me straight, would your spouse really do the same things for you that you do for him/her? Would
    he/she stop asking you where you have lunch everday or when you'll be
    home just becoz you don't ask him/her the same question? Would he/she
    calls becoz you call him/her? Would he/she stop "just being too nice"
    to his/her women/men friends just becoz you think to respect your
    spouse you set a certain distant to your friends? Would he/she tries to
    have more patience with you just becoz you try to be more patient to

    I don't think so. Out of my 29 years of life I've learned that you can't expect anything from anybody anymore.
    Becoz if you do & things don't turn out as expected, you'll feel like
    you've been lifted up to 7th heaven & thrown down with a high speed
    rocket on your back. Don't want to sound so cynical but I think we
    should do what we think it's right for ourselves & nobody elses. If
    you feel good after doing some good, then so be it. Just don't expect
    others to be as good to you coz in this world you'd never know what
    kind of people you'll meet.
    Well, even if you do
    change a lot of things in your life, think of it as for the best. You
    do want to work it out with your spouses, right? 

  • The Perfect House

    Yesterday we searched for a house of our own. This time it was kinda
    serious. Becoz I've managed to "drag" my husband to sit down and talk
    about our plans. About the options that we had, the budget etc.
    Surprisingly he was quite excited to drive around the city and visited
    the houses which I already found in the internet. Of course there were
    a few complaints & whinings now & then but overall he was
    There was this little house... It was...almost perfect. But by the end of that day it was already sold out.
    Well, it was too good to be true anyway. Our friend said maybe the
    walls are about to crumble down anyway & there are lots of alien
    termites in there.
    Then there was this another house. Too expensive for our budget but we
    went there anyway. The owner welcomed us & showed us around. The
    building itself was actually in a good condition. But the
    neighborhood... I definitely don't want to raise my children there. And
    when I saw my husband's eyes I knew instantly that he would've agree
    with me.
    The other one is a brand new house & has an okay size & price
    but very faaaaaar away. The traffic would be bad in the morning &
    we still have to wait for another 1,5 years for the house to be ready.
    Hearing it made my husband hesitated. Me, I always wanted to buy a new
    one since living in somebody else's house sounded a bit creepy to me.
    But then it was already dark. So we decided to call it a day.
    On the way home & before we went to bed we talked about what other
    options we might still have. We calculated our salaries etc. Whether to
    save more for another year or buy an apartment in the city (very small
    yet expensive but no traffic).
    I'm still not sure about it. I guess there's still a lot of things to
    think about & discuss. But there's one thing I'm sure of.

    I know
    that no matter how my future house will look like or how far or near it'll be, it
    will always be a perfect home to me as long as I'm with my own lovely little family.

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