Month: June 2005

  • Day...two...and three

    The last 2 days weren't as exhausted as I thought it would be. I guess
    this is what you get if you have a professional director and PH
    Everything is well organized & fast. We've managed to finish
    everything according to the plan & the shoot was finish before
    11pm! Nice, eh?

    Sooooo...yes! We went shopping...& shopping....& did more shopping So indonesian! I know
    I went to this giant IKEA store yesterday & spent like....dollars
    in there. I bought a quilt, bed sheets bla bla bla bla.. I just have to
    figure it out how to bring all that to Jakarta tomorrow

    Btw yesterday we shot a lot of balloons. They were very pretty as the
    crew cut the strings & let them flew to the sky. It was a great
    shot! I had my picture taken just before the scene started. Too bad I
    couldn't get it when they were actually floating in the skies. I was
    afraid my blitz would ruin the lighting or something..

    Anyway, the location was also quite near to the Petronas Tower. I know
    it would be more beautiful if it was at night when all the lights would
    lit up and I realize that it doesn't really show off the twin
    towers but...I just couldn't resist it.

  • Day one

    It's 10.40 pm Malaysian time. I'm sitting alone on my bed in Coronade
    Hotel, Kuala Lumpur with a full stomach. Stuffed with Nasi Lemak &
    that giant fried chicken I had.
    I had a loooong day. My flight was 11.10am from Jakarta so I had to
    wake up kinda early. But that's not the worst part. The saddest part
    would be leaving my honey after only 18 hours together...  He just
    got back from Bangkok yesterday and now we have to be apart again.
    Anyway me & my colleagues went straight to the PH to see the models
    in their costumes for tomorrow's shoot. After that we went to dinner
    & I am.. I don't have the mood to go out... I did come
    close with the petronas tower though But
    I didn't take any pictures. Well, there's always tomorrow... When I'm
    into it.. Maybe I miss my sweetheart too much... Luckily he called me
    all the time
    Hmm... I guess it's time to rest now.. Tomorrow's gonna be a looooong day....

  •  And they’ll be boys forever....

    Since I was a little girl I always find a different comfort & fun in boys. To me they’re less complicated than girls & in many ways..more adventurous!  So now, being the only woman in my creative team isn’t a problem at all (there’re 10 us). They tell funny stories, do exciting things, have outrageous ideas & they always seem to manage to make things around them fun. I love being among them.

    Brainstorming sessions often ended up as a hilarious team bonding time. We would tell each other life stories, even secrets. None of the stories were dull, coz they’re all unique individuals. Like this guy, he quits doing drugs coz he felt “lonely” since most of his friends died of OD, other got bullied in junior high and still trying hard to be a “bad boy” since he was in college, 1 guy doesn’t want a relationship unless it’s with a suicidegirls kinda gals and the other one admits that he never had girlfriends in college coz he was stoned all the time.       

    We always go out & have lunch together. Unlike having lunch with the girls, we never make a fuss about where to eat, if it’s too hot outside or the food court would stink.  We would say “Up to you; is fine with me” 1 thing is important though : the seating arrangement. It has to be in a "strategic" place so they would have a "nice" view of cute carreer women.  Sometimes a visit to the nearest mall could be a joyride too. They would run to the toys aisle & examines the matchbox cars, immediately check out the latest MAC & other gadgets & argue about which one is better & the other would put his arm on the conveyor belt & let himself be rolled to the cashier while I queue. At the office they compete with each other, who got the latest and the coolest, if possible the most expensive, gadget (preferably MAC. Now 3 of them have their own Powerbook ), make action figures posing in various sex positions, play football between the cubicles & other silly stuff I can't mention here.

    So you see… I do feel like I’m babysitting a bunch of teenage boys most of the time. Forget about the fact that they’re over 27 years old, has won creative awards, married with children or has a pregnant wife. Boy will be boys!


  • English: The Language of The World?

    Recently a couple of Xangans sent me e-mails and told me how they've enjoyed visiting my blog. They found my postings nice and fun to read (Thanx!!  ). Other than giving me lovely compliments, they also asked me a favor which I find quite interesting. They asked me not to write in indonesian anymore...or at least not that often. The reason is obvious: coz they couldn't understand a single word of it.  What I think interesting is that I never had the intention to write in english. But it just...happened! I couldn't help but wonder..why is it that to me writing in english is far easier than writing in my own language. And FYI I'm a real indonesian woman.

    As an indonesian copywriter this becomes a big problem for me. It's easier for me to write copy or find the big idea in english term. Not to mention if I have to write jingles for commercials. Man!!!  I would spend days and days to get the right words. If it's a fun kinda jingle it would be easy (I made a jingle for a snack product tv commercial at the shoot location in 10 minutes!!) But if it's a corporate thing...for a national bank...THAT would be a hell kind of a task!! Not that my english is P E R F E C T.. But you know what!?! I'm not the only one here who thinks that indonesian is a difficult language to "play" with. Even my boss has this problem.  Good excuse, eh?

    So, if you have the chance to learn a foreign language, why don't you challenge yourself and pick indonesian instead of spanish for a change? Then maybe you'll know what I'm talking about. And who knows? Maybe I'll join you myself!!

  • Born and raised with lots of love - Graduated and got a dreamjob - Met new people and made amazing friends - Fell in and out of loves - Broke some hearts and made enemies - Experienced the best and worst in life - Found true love and got shattered - Lost in space and gone wild - Helped by true friends and gained maturity - Fell back in love and realized he's really "The One" - Finally got married and loving every minute of it

    Not bad for someone who's been living 29 years of life... I wonder what else lies ahead of me next.

    Happy 29th birthday to me!!!

  • My “other” other half

    If you want to know how many love I have in my life, then I would proudly say “2”. A big half of my heart belongs of course to my husband whom I love more than anything in this world. And another half belongs to someone that I love more than words can say… My big, beloved brother.

    I remember how proud I was to have a brother like him since I was a little kid (I’m 9 years younger). I remember how much fun we always have when we’re together. I remember how much I missed him when he was in Tucson for a very long time. I remember how I cried every time I read his letters. And I remember how happy I was when he finally came home.

    Although we still can’t see each other as much we want to, we’ve always managed to stay “connected”. Until this very day we send each other SMS saying: I love you; I miss you” and “blow” kisses on YM or Skype. My friends tell me that we act more like lovers towards each other than siblings. They say they can hear “the love’ in my voice and see it in my eyes every time he calls me on the phone.

    The weird thing is…we don’t tell each other’s personal stuff that often. But we know that we can always trust and count on each other without have to say anything. I always feel happy when he’s happy. But I also cry when he’s sad or in despair. He doesn’t have to tell me what it is that makes him sad. I can already feel it and the next thing I know tears are running down from my eyes. I never realize how someone could love her brother this much… Do you love your brother as much as I love mine?

    Reza, the best brother in the whole world   

  • I don't want to go home... Coz there I'll be alone...
    I hate nights. Coz it means laying on my bed without my baby beside
    me.. Again!! I hate your job for taking you away from me this often.

    I miss you already, honey... Come home soon, will you...?

  • It’s pretty frustrating to see
    the people you love doing the same mistake over and over again. Not that they’re
    doing it on purpose but it’s because they don’t realize that it’s wrong or…it’s
    simply because of their…stupidity. Or maybe it’s better if I call it “ignorance”.
    Whatever it may call I’m very sad to see the people that I care about is
    getting brainwashed with unimportant and irrational things. Well actually I’m
    PISSED. How could they be so stupid and believe all that crap they’ve been fed
    to?!?! And they're influencing the youngsters too!!! GOD!!!

    At the end it’s me against their
    belief. I could talk them out until my mouth feels numb and run out of words. I
    could tell them in their faces that they’re doing the exact things that they’re
    afraid of doing. Someone told me "Only sheep are led to slaughter". How true...

  • Eines Tages in Prater

    Ich kann mich noch sehr gut erinnern und werde vielleicht niemals vergessen
    wie schoen und wieviel Spass ich gehabt habe als ich hier in Prater war mit Dir. Das
    war das erste mal.. Die erste Chance die ich je gehabt habe, so nah und so viel
    Spass mit Dir zu haben.

    Ich kann Deine suesse laecheln nie vergessen. Weisst Du wie schnell mein Herz
    klopfte als Du mich in Geisterbahn so fest umarmte? Weisst Du wie gluecklich ich
    war? Weisst Du wie eifersuechtig ich war als Du mit unsere Klassenfreundin auch
    ins Geisterbahn warst?

    Wie sehr ich in Dich verliebt hatte... Wie oft ich Prater danach
    besuchte... Nur um zu erinnern, wieder erleben, den Tag die ich mit Dir dort
    verbracht habe. Ich hasse mich fuer eine Feigling zu sein. Ich hatte so viele
    Dinge die ich an Dir sagen moechte. Damit ich alle meine Gefuehle an Dir sagen koennen.
    Ach... Ich wuensche ich kann die letzten Tagen in Wien wieder erleben.. Ich wuensche
    ich kann Dich eines Tages wiedersehen...

  • Just got an e-mail from my friend Susanne in Vienna. She said they
    would have a reunion soon. My God, how I wish I could be there too...
    I miss them so much!! My friends, my foes, my favorite places, the
    Wienerschnitzel, the Maronie, the schokobananen.. I always feel that
    I've left a big chunk of my heart in Vienna... Somewhere...

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