Month: April 2005

  • Well, akhirnya tgl 20 April kemaren aku officialy udah ke Bali untuk KEDUA kalinya!!! Hehehe! Quite a big thing buat seseorang yang baru ke Bali tahun lalu. Itu pun karena honeymoon. Ngga tau kenapa I never thought Bali is such a happening place to visit… Ngga pernah “semangat” banget pengen ke sana sampai bela-belain nabung berbulan-bulan misalnya. Until I went there last year…

    Aku baru ngerti kenapa Bali jadi such a big buzz. Ternyata memang bagus. Kalo quoting my husband sih “Kaya bukan di Indonesia…”  I really enjoyed spending my honeymoon there sampai untuk liburan kemaren pun Bali jadi tujuan utamaku.

    Tapi Lombok juga lumayan bikin aku penasaran. Somehow kok kayanya cerita-cerita orang tentang Lombok intrigue me in such a way. Akhirnya aku masukin juga Lombok ke agenda liburan kita. Meskipun cuma 2 malem. Begitu sampai di sana aku nyesel banget kenapa aku lebih memilih tinggal lama di Bali….

    Pasirnya, pantainya, lautnya dan terutama langitnya…… SO F&*@#^ (pardon my french ) BEAUTIFUL!!!! Di tambah nginep di Novotel yang mendukung itu semua jadi tambah…. Breathtaking. That’s the word. I absolutely LOVE  that place. Tenang dan damai. Dan yang membuat segalanya jadi sempurna.. I was there with the man I love.  

    Kalo Ica lebih suka jalan-jalan dan keramaian dibanding aku. Dia lebih memilih menjelajahi Novotel misalnya daripada leyeh-leyeh di kamar di atas tempat tidur yang perfectly placed in front of a big window where you can see the beautiful sky and coconut trees. Makanya, ide nyewa motor pun datang dari dia. And I thanked him for that.  Cuma dengan 30rb kita bisa sampai ke ujung pulau where there was no soul in sight.

    In short Lombok definitely makes me want to come back someday. I hope my husband would support me on that . So, ngga aneh kan kalo hari terakhir di sana aku lumayan sedih dan menyesal. I wasn’t looking forward to spend the rest of my holidays in Bali.. Where there’s crowd and noise and people and noise…

    I guess I really left my  in Lombok that day..   

  •  I love you

    That’s all I can say

    That’s all I can feel

    Though the timing seems random

    But I know it’s for real


    Sometimes I want to kiss you

    Sometimes I want to hug you

    Many times I want to make love to you

    But sometimes all I want is just to look at you


    That’s when I feel my feeling is real

    That’s when I know I did the right thing

    That’s when I always shed a tear


    What a gift God has given me

    So beautiful, so pure and sincere

    I must have done something good

    Because now I have you in my world


    Lombok, April 21, 2005

  • This is me…and my sweet, sexy, beloved husband. We got married in March 6th, 2004. It was the happiest day of my life.

    The wedding was held at Kebun Raya Bogor, a famous botanical garden in Indonesia. Before the ceremonie began it was raining really hard. I kinda panicked because we had this outdoor wedding reception and all… But then I didn’t think it would really matter. As long as I can marry the man I love

    Everything turned out to be beautiful. The rain stopped just minutes before the reception began. Leaving droplets of fresh water on the white flowers’ petals. The sounds of flute, violin and guitar harmoniously played Air on a G String when we entered the reception area. The guests kept coming more and more. And at the end my husband sang “our song” and kissed me on stage, declaring his love to me in front of all the guests, friends and family.

    And there was one more thing which made the night even more magical… A big, beautiful, shiny full moon… “Hanging” perfectly in the sky, making the night which is full of love, joy, music and fireworks just PERFECT.


  • HURT

    i hurt myself today
    to see if i still feel
    i focus on the pain
    the only thing that’s real
    the needle tears a hole
    the old familiar sting
    try to kill it all away
    but i remember everything
    what have i become?
    my sweetest friend

    Trent Reznor, you rock my world


  • It’s so predictable! Once I got this right, I want to keep on posting again and again.  

    Tomorrow I’ll be off to Lombok and Bali for a week holiday with my lovely husband. I hope the weather will be okay there. Never been to Lombok, you see. And this would be my second time to Bali. Am really excited. I can smell the sea breeze and delicious lobster already!

    Haven’t pack anything though. And The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack awaits. 

    Oh my… What to do what to do…? Maybe I could play a little and then packing. Or…there’s always tomorrow morning to pack…

  • Emptiness that I feel is what’s left inside. Hollow as the darkness with glimpses of weak lights

    What’s worth fighting for is what’s still left behind.

    Why care? Why there?

    “sometime in April 2004″

  • Alone amidst the green grass under the pale moon and shooting stars… I watch as you talk and walk.

    There…up above the dark sky you look down to me with a smile as sweet as those loving eyes.

    It seems so perfect. The night seems perfect. You seems perfect.

    Yet there’s a big lack. A hole filled with emptiness which i can not describe. Tearing the happiness inside. Leaving hollow eyes and empty heart…

    “sometime in April 2004″